We welcome the Citizens of Justin to learn more about their city government.

Taking a closer look at things involving city government.

Trust, but verify, arm yourselfwith the facts... Ronald Reagan ...Knowledge is Power... The purpose of the website is as a nonprofit educational and informational site. In other words it is not a commercial one.  It is partly a News site where city news is passed on to the citizens, and partly editorial, where we will invite city officials and citizens to present their side of the story. The tone of the tomes will vary from absurd parody to perhaps even scathing commentary. We shall document and chronicle the events, the characters, the missteps, and hopefully the humor of things that happen in Justin. Things that should be scrutinized by the citizens of Justin. In the end, Knowledge is Power.

To be very clear, this website is not an official website of the CITY OF JUSTIN. The opinions presented here are not that of the corporation doing business as the CITY OF JUSTIN. We will link to official city website items, and we will provide screen-grabs of  information provided by the city that is subject to THE TEXAS OPEN RECORDS ACT. We encourage the citizens of Justin to attend all meetings of City Council, as well as the various boards. You are allowed to attend them by law (with few exceptions)... by the TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT.